Monday, March 23, 2020

Tips To Work On Your Math Assignment To Score Top Marks

Tips To Work On Your Math Assignment To Score Top Marks 0SHARESShare Students usually neglect their Math assignment and this has resulted in pulling down their grades and consequently their GPA. Assignments are integrated in to the curriculum these days and performance in them is also measured. If a student understands the purpose of assignments and homework (which is simply to help them explore and grasp the concepts involved). He/she wouldn’t be as nonchalant about it as the case is now. Some students however do invest the time and energy and yet don’t get the desired results. They require assignment help and here are a few tips that can serve as the best possible help one can look for. Stressing about homework or assignments can only add to the pressure Don’t worry unnecessarily about math homework as this can lead to increased pressure and stress. Set aside a dedicated time everyday for homework or assignments and be diligent about it. If you are stuck anywhere, seek the best assignment help or homework help there is either online or from your friends. If you stuck with a problem, try looking for similar solved examples and work through it Take a look at the solved problems first and work out some of them yourself and then proceed to the assignments or homework. If you still are unable to solve it, seek help from someone. Solving problems in extra practise sets and tests can help you make headway in mastering the concepts. Read:  Top 8 Reasons Why You Need Online Help For Writing Assignments Be prepared and cover your bases before you sit down for your assignments If you wish to work on an assignment, it is imperative that you go through the notes and text book materials for the concept involved. After all, without knowing as to what you are doing, working out problems would seem like an uphill task. Discuss your homework with friends and then solve them Suppose you find it too hard to concentrate and study alone, form a study group and work through your homework together. Studies find that working in study groups or with your study buddy would only improve your concentration and focus levels. Also, the stress factor is alleviated in such cases. If you are unable to solve a hard problem, it is really ok! Homework isn’t a means to torture the mind, it is simply to help you understand topics better. If you are unable to solve a problem, you could always seek your teacher’s help at school and get them to help you with it. If you find your teachers uncooperative, find yourself math assignment help from expert math tutors online and they will help you through every step until you completely grasp the solution. [starbox id=admin]

Friday, March 6, 2020

French Verbs and Grammar Le Passé Antérieur

French Verbs and Grammar Le Passé Antérieur Sign up successful In English, this tense corresponds pretty closely to the past perfect, which in other words describes the past of the past. In English, it looks like this: 1) When I reached the end of the path, the sun had already set. 2) When the child began kindergarten, she had already studied cello for a year. The formation of this verb tense  bears some similarities to both the futur antérieur and the passé composé. As with both these tenses, the verb form will use an auxiliary verb (avoir or être) and a past participle. Select the auxiliary verb in the same way you would for the futur antérieur or passé composé. Conjugate this verb using the imparfait. As a review, here are their conjugations: Avoir Être J avais J étais Tu avais Tu étais Il / elle / on avait Il / elle / on était Nous avions Nous étions Vous aviez Vous étiez Ils / elles avaient Ils / elles étaient Now form the past participle of the main verb in the same way you would for the passé composé. So the full passé antérieur for one -er reflexive verb, one -ir verb, and one -re verb might look like this: se coucher â€" to go to bed or, for the sun, to set Je métais couché(e) Tu tétais couché(e) Il / elle / on sétait couché(e) Nous nous étions couché(e)(s) Vous vous étiez couché(e)(s) Ils / elles sétaient déja couché(e)s finir â€" to finish Javais fini Tu avais fini Il / elle / on avait fini Nous avions fini Vous aviez fini Ils / elles avaient fini rendre â€" to return Javais rendu Tu avais rendu Il / elle / on avait rendu Nous avions rendu Vous aviez rendu Ils / elles avaient rendu So how would the previous examples in English look in French? 1) Quand je suis arrivé(e) à la fin de la rue, la soleil sétait déjà couchée. (The extra “e” in arrivé(e) would depend on whether the speaker is male or female.) 2) Quand lenfant a commencé la maternelle, elle avait déjà étudié le violoncelle depuis un an. Try conjugating the verbs in the examples below in the passé antérieur. 1) Quand je suis venu à la fête, mon frère ______________________ (partir). 2) Quand elle sest couchée, la fille ______________________ (finir) ses devoirs. 3) Quand la bibliothèquaire a appellé, j ______________________ (rendre) le livre. 4) Quand tu es rentré, nous ______________________ (se coucher). Now check your answers below: 1) était parti 2) avait fini 3) avais rendu 4) nous sommes couché(e)s (Add the extra “e” only if all the people included by “nous” are female.) How did you do? Either way, keep practicing and checking yourself! Keep an eye out also for uses by other people, and for opportunities to use it in conversation. Correct repetitions, practice, and listening to others use it correctly will help you learn to use this conjugation naturally. Of course, having the right teacher will propel your success in French even farther! Post Author:  Carol Beth L. Carol Beth teaches  French lessons in San Francisco, CA. She has her Masters in French language education from the Sorbonne University in Paris and has been teaching since 2009.  Learn more about Carol Beth here! Photo by Dennis Jarvis Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Delightful Jazz Guitar Licks - Tabs and Audio

5 Delightful Jazz Guitar Licks - Tabs and Audio Madalyn Danielson Having a few guitar licks up your sleeve is super helpful when youre improvising. Guitar teacher  Samuel B.  shares a few of his favorite jazz guitar licks Before we begin playing these jazz guitar licks, its a good idea to get familiar with the pentatonic scale. The pentatonic scale is a more versatile and useful scale than you might think. While being an easily-recognized basis for blues, rock, and country solos, it can be (and frequently is) a scale used  for jazz solos, too. Adding a few accidentals (notes other than the baseline ones indicated below) can make for some memorable moments in jazz guitar licks. Ive heard jazz called  â€œthe American classical music,” and heres why I agree: its chord structures are more complex than those in blues, rock, and country. Sixth, ninth, eleventh, augmented, and diminished chords are all common to it. Solo jazz guitar licks  feature a level of intricacy comparable to that of their chord counterparts. Here are a few tricks guaranteed to spice up any pentatonic-based jazz solo. Lick One The first of these jazz guitar licks  covers the segment between the fifth through eighth frets. Notes 2, 5, and 12 are the only ones foreign to the scale itself: document.createElement('audio'); /blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Lick-One.mp3 Lick Two The next one is grounded in the second-through-fifth-fret territory. It features three open-string notes and only one otherwise “outsider” (the note thats both ninth and twelfth): /blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Lick-Two.mp3 Lick Three Lick three is a different animal entirely. Its plucked with an open hand (not a pick) and is based on notes comprising a moving triad. As indicated, the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth notes are pairs (not single notes) and are played simultaneously with the thumb and index finger. The remaining ones can be played with an index-and-middle-finger alternation: /blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Lick-Three.mp3 Lick Four Like the first two, the fourth and fifth jazz guitar licks are based once again on pentatonic segments (the highest and the lowest ones respectively). /blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Lick-Four.mp3 Lick Five While the fourth lick  involves four accidentals (the second, fifth, ninth, and eleventh notes to be exact), this fifth lick is comprised entirely of notes that are pentatonic: /blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Lick-Five.mp3 As seen above, these five jazz guitar licks are intricate and unique creations that can make any jazz guitar solo an instant hit. Learning the pentatonic scale on the guitar is essential for jazz guitar licks, and once you do, you can apply it to other genres, as well. Be creative, have fun, and if youre looking for further practice with your jazz guitar, ask your guitar teacher to help you out with  some new moves and grooves! Post Author:  Samuel B. Samuel B. teaches beginner  guitar lessons in Austin, TX. He teaches lessons face-to-face without sheet music, which is his adaptation of Japanese instruction (involving a call-and-response method). Learn more about Samuel here! Photo by  Larry Johnson Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

What Is Baroque Art And How Can I Recognise It

What Is Baroque Art And How Can I Recognise It Art History: The Art Movement Lead By The Catholic Church Chapters10 Characteristics And Ideas Of The Baroque StyleThe Most Well Known Baroque ArtistsA Well Known Piece Of Baroque ArtLet's take a step back in time to the period of 1530 when religious tensions were in the air. The very fabric of society was changing and being reshaped by religious leaders from the protestant and the Catholic faiths. The protestants had openly challenged the  Catholic church with religious reforms which threatened Catholic power.   As protestant religion grew in popularity, the Catholic church wanted to define and reestablish its dominance, which lead to a counter reform being created.A part of this counter-reform included the commissioning of art and from this Baroque was born. The Art of the Baroque era was built upon the renaissance style and was a direct movement away from the simple tastes of the protestants. The Catholic church inspired and commissioned in large part this new art movement. Which started in Rome and spread like wildfire across Europe, w ith churches and religious leaders being it primary patrons. The art of the Baroque period was fuelled with richness, grandeur, vibrancy, flamboyance and extravagance.The art was to follow guidelines that depicted religious objects and scenes from the bible. But only scenes that were exclusive to the Catholic church such as the immaculate conception, the assumption of the virgin etc. While artists had some creative authority, they also had to follow a strict set of guidelines as approved by the counter-reform council. These guidelines had to adhere to the Catholic vision for this creative propaganda.According to Wikipedia, the name ‘Baroque’ was inspired by the Portuguese term Barroco, which means a flawed pearl. However, some scholars argue that it more likely comes from the Italian word ‘Barocco’ meaning an obstacle to logic. Where ever the name stemmed from in both cases the word had negative connotations. But eventually, it lost its meaning and came to be known only as o f the name of an art movement.Popular from the late 1500s to early 1700s, Baroque art can be described as both beautiful and imperfect. It can be seen expressed in Baroque painting, Baroque architecture, Baroque music, Baroque Opera, Baroque literature, Baroque dance and Baroque sculpture.Let's take a step back in time to the period of 1530. Photo Source: UnsplashBaroque created a new style of sculpture which focused on intense emotion, movement and richness. Figures can be seen from all angles as they rose out of the centre of the pieces and reaching into the empty space. Further blurring the lines between art and reality.Baroque pieces are emotional and dramatic, meant to dazzle and surprise viewers. Its realism in paintings gives the impression of looking in on a scene that is happening.Compositions are made thoughtfully to give the maximum dramatic effect and aim to blur the lines between reality, art and spirituality.Learn more from an art tutor on Superprof.The style that join ed all works is that of implied flowing movement. Photo Source: UnsplashThe Most Well Known Baroque ArtistsCaravaggioMichelangelo Merisi was born in Caravaggio, a town in Northern Italy. He moved to Rome to follow his passion for painting and after selling his art on the streets for a few years. His talent was finally rewarded when he gained his first patrons. After which he gained fame quickly and painted for highly esteemed patrons.Well known for using the chiaroscuro (light and dark) technique to add drama to his images. Caravaggio's work was as dramatic as his life story, which is one of fame, riches, fighting, jail, murder, knighthood, and evading the law. He died aged 38 from fever.Top Artworks: Bacchus, Supper at Emmaus (Caravaggio), London, The Calling of St Matthew, Medusa,Birthplace: Milan, ItalyLifeline: 1571 - 1610Art Style: BaroqueArt Forms: PaintingRembrandtRembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn was born in the Netherlands and came from humble beginnings but with a wise father who sent him to a very good school. After finding a passion for the arts, Rembrandt quit school and became an apprentice for a few local artists. After which he opened his own studio painting and studying Italian art. He found his style shortly after with a Caravaggio like focus on light and dark.Rembrandt is known as a master of art mastering painting drawing and print in equal measure.Top Artworks: The night watch, the Jewish bride, the return of the prodigal sonBirthplace: NetherlandsLifeline: 1606 - 1669Art Style: BaroqueArt Forms: Painting and printmakerVermeerJohannes Vermeer was largely self-taught and little is know about how he decided to become an artist and a painter or about his path to doing so. But the masters of the period would have inspired his works. The expressiveness of Caravaggio, the intensity of Rembrandt the style of the Utrecht school, can all be seen in Vermeer large scale paintings.Vermeer is well known for his works depicting the daily life in Delft wher e he lived. He also excelled and defined luminous interiors scenes with women sitting by windows. The painter's work was full of colour, vibrancy and like many baroque paintings feels like you are voyeuristically looking in on a private scene.Top Artworks: Girl with a pearl earring, the art of painting, the milkmaid, Diana and her nymphsBirthplace: NetherlandsLifeline: 1632 - 1675Art Style: BaroqueArt Forms: PaintingBaroque art serves to bring images of Catholic worship back into the public environment. Photo Source: UnsplashA Well Known Piece Of Baroque ArtSupper at EmmausThe Supper at Emmaus was painted in 1601, it is true to life painting, meaning the figures are life-sized. Immediately you are invited into the image with incredibly clever composition. The space at the edge of the table is where you stand as you have been invited to dine.The story is that Christ has been crucified and his disciples are walking along the road they are joined by another man. They all sit down to ea t when the man who had joined them, breaks the bread and is revealed to be Christ resurrected. The painting shows this point of surprise and drama, the entire painting draws you in with the hands of Christ and the disciple reaching out to us, the fruit bowl hangs on the corner of the table bursting into out reality. Also, the light highlights our face and guide us where our eyes need to focus.Artist: CaravaggioDate Painted: 1601Size: 55 x 77 inchesMedium: Oil on canvasOther Well-Known PiecesThe palace of Versailles, FranceSaint Peters Basilica, Vatican CityA fantastic cave with Odysseus and calypso by Jan Brueghel the elderThe garden of love by RubensThe girl at a window by RembrandtBacchus by CaravaggioFountain of the four rivers, ItalyThe calling of St Matthew by CaravaggioDavid Victorious over Goliath by CaravaggioMary Magdalen with the smoking flame by Georges de La TourThe Baroque art movement doesn't just present us with pieces of art; it also tells a story about the history o f the era, religious dominance, cultural dogma and religious tensions. Whether you like Baroque art or not, it is hard to deny its beauty and twisted perfection. Albeit that the purpose of the movement was fundamentally Catholic propaganda to establish power over the protestants.Looking at some of the pieces discussed above, you can see their power to tell a story. To evoke emotion, communicate a message and draw you into a different way of seeing things. Ostentatious or beautiful? That is in the eye of the beholder.Do you know that Impressionism has light brushstrokes and Expressionism also has similar brush strokes?

A Student Review of Fordham University

A Student Review of Fordham University Seun earned her bachelors degree in English and communications from Fordham University. She specializes in history tutoring, IB tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at Fordham University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Seun: I attended Fordham Universitys Lincoln Center campus. It was the epitome of urban. The building is located in the center of Manhattanwhere Central Park begins and near major performing arts centers. You have easy access to the Fordham University Bronx Rose Hill campus via the Ram Van, which drives students to the larger campus in about 15 minutes if there is no heavy traffic. The Rose Hill campus has a more traditional college look, with an enclosed campus that has lots of grassy areas and beautiful architecture. At both campuses, theres easy access to public transportation. The Lincoln Center campus, however, provides more train and bus options. Safety can be a concern, only because youre in the city and things may happen nearby. But, the security guards go above and beyond to make sure students are kept safe. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Seun: It depends. I would suggest that, for any college, the student has to be more proactive to get advice from teaching and advisory staff. Make appointments regularly and dont be afraid to follow up with questions via email or phone. Professors obviously love to see students actively engaged with materials for their classes, so it will only work to your benefit if you are consistently seeking ways to have your voice heard both inside and outside of the classroom. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Seun: Unfortunately, I was a commuter student, so I did not live in the dorms. I did hear amazing things from those who lived on campus, though. The dorms were especially nice (practically apartment quality). I think living on campus provides a chance to build deeper bonds with your fellow classmates. Truth be told, I wasnt fond of the food on campus, but youre in NYC, so there are plenty of options off campus for you to enjoy. Lastly, its NYC! Entertainment is everywhere and available at any time. Make the most of it! Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Seun: I think the business school was the best represented area, and those who were enrolled in that program seemed to feel most supported by staff. Thats probably the same on any college campus; business involves a lot of networking events and professional development outside of the classroom. I studied English and communications, because I love to write and aspired to work in media creating innovative content for TV. Fordham has a stellar record of media professionals graduating from its school. However, I think I could have benefited from some more guidance on how to navigate my field. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Seun: I started Fordham as a transfer during my sophomore year. If youre shy, it can be daunting to meet people and develop close friendships. Living on campus definitely helps, and finding a club that fits with your interests will hopefully bring you out of your shell. There wasnt any Greek life on campus at Fordham, though. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Seun: Many reputable companies were definitely recruiting through our career center. Again, you have to be proactive in taking advantage of whatever resources are available. Its there, but its only as good as the work you put toward it. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Seun: The library at Lincoln Center was much smaller in comparison to the Rose Hill campus library. I would recommend going to the Rose Hill campus in the Bronx if you canmuch easier to find a quiet space to yourself. Describe the surrounding town. Seun: My campus was at Columbus Circle in Manhattan. A very exciting place to be with much to offer students. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Seun: Lincoln Centers student body was smaller for obvious reasons. However, the crowd was diverse, and you get more face time with professors due to the class sizes being much smaller than usual college classes. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Seun: I will always remember how dedicated two of my communications professors were in making sure I found internship opportunities that would set me up for success in the future. Im still in touch with them now and consider them to be great, close friends. Check out Seuns tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

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Membership advantages Members can check 3000 words at a time, save text and feedback, translate feedback into 70 languages, create hypertext narratives and essay outlines, send PDFs with voice recordings, track errors, play error correction games, post essays to forums for additional feedback, with more features on their way. Features Non-member *Signed-in Member  Price  Ad-supported Ad-supported, zero spam  Number of words you can check at a time  500      3000  Check spelling and grammar              Check paraphrases              Change layouts              Convert your text to an MP3             Count words             Check your text for target structures              Automatically save your text and feedback  ?        Translate feedback into 70 languages  ?        Create hypertext narratives  ?        Create essay outlines  ?        Listen to your feedback  ?        Report false alarms  ?        Send a PDF of feedback with audio comments  ?        Track your errors  ?       Play error-correction games  ?       Post to the forum for help from a human  ?       Penpal exchange (coming soon)  ?       *We use cookies to manage your login. We never share your data. You can delete your data. You have the right to be forgotten. You have to opt-in to receive emails from us. Please follow and like us:

The Importance of Routine and Organization

The Importance of Routine and Organization Youve probably heard before that students who embrace regular routines are more successful, organized and effective. Studies prove this to be true as well. Here is what some of the research says about the positive impact that routines at home can have on childrens school performancedrawing on studies recently completed: Reading routines help students develop early literacy skills and set the stage for continued enjoyment of reading into the school years. Family routines provide children with a model for structure. Family routines during the early childhood years get students involved in activities that contribute to vocabulary development and social skills building as well as academic achievement later on. A study showed that families with a stable, high level of commitment in rituals at home have children with higher scores on standard tests of academic achievement than children of families with a low level or decline in routine. In a study of children with divorced parents, regular bedtime predicted academic performance two years after the initial assessment. An early literacy study said that book-reading routines promote future academic success. At Huntington Learning Center, our experience echoes these findingswe see every day that students are more organized and capable of achieving their goals when they know what to expect at home and in the classroom. Routines help children build independence, teaching them to set small goals and complete tasks. Through our work with thousands of children, we have found that: Structure and routines teach children responsibility and inspire them to take pride in and ownership of their work. Children who embrace routines and organization tend to do better in school. Routines teach children about self-discipline and working toward goals. Children who are empowered by parents and teachers to take primary responsibility for their daily tasks build the confidence to try new things without fear of failure. Consistency in the daily and homework routine helps children make the most of their time, leaving more time for hobbies, activities and socializing. Routines reduce anxiety about the unknown and help children feel safer in the classroom. At home, routines reinforce what teachers do in the classroom and help children understand that being organized saves time, minimizes stress and reduces unnecessary chaos. In the classroom, routines minimize disruptions and wasted time, making transitions from activity to activity smoother and easier. Most parents know from experience that routines are a good thing, but the great news is that educational researchers and teachers alike agree. Continue to work on creating and upholding reliable routines for homework, study time and daily tasks and youll notice that your child is a more organized, efficient and happy student. Huntington Learning Center drew from the article, Family Routines and Rituals in Infants Young Children, Vol. 20, No. 4, for this article. About Huntington Huntington is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntingtons mission is to give every student the best education possible. Learn how Huntington can help at For franchise opportunities please visit

Life for Women in the UAE

Life for Women in the UAE Teach Away has successfully placed hundreds of female teachers in schools across the UAE over the past 10 years. Although our candidates are always excited to teach in the UAE, many do have concerns about safety and cultural differences in this diverse Middle Eastern region.In reality, the UAE is often considered the safest region of the Middle East and is home to thriving expat communities, drawn to its unrivalled career opportunities and laid back lifestyle. The aim of this post is to give female teachers hoping to work in the UAE an insight into what to expect, and to dispel some of the common myths surrounding life in this incredible region of the world.How safe is the UAE for women?The UAE is a safe, peaceful, and very welcoming region in the Middle East. In fact, it has some of the lowest crime rates in the world. Violence or harassment towards tourists or foreign residents is highly unusual. In recent years, there have been several high profile cases of women being attacked an d then blamed, or even prosecuted, for their own assault. Just like back home, such incidents are very rare. Dangerous situations can often be avoided by being responsible about your personal safety and being aware of what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour.As one of the richest states in the world, the quality of life and general living standards are exceptional in the UAE, for both men and women. There are no rules restricting women on where they can go or what they can do, although men and women are expected to take part in some activities separately, such as schooling and prayer. Locals are extremely friendly and have a reputation for showing warm hospitality towards expats.Rules on dressThe biggest misconception about the UAE is the belief that women need to cover themselves in a headdress or long veil at all times. The UAE is a liberal Muslim nation, and although many religious sites, such as mosques and temples, will require you to cover your hair in order to enter, this is not necessary in most public spaces, events, malls, restaurants or bars. Dubai City is the most relaxed about dress and it is considered acceptable to wear shorts and tank tops around the city, and swimwear revealing the arms and legs on the beach or at a communal pool.You will be expected to dress modestly in the classroom and in public. This means keeping your shoulders and knees covered, and in some places, your wrists and ankles too. Although the weather will make you desperate to reach for your cami tops and short summer dresses, these are generally no nos, unfortunately. Although these rules are hardly enforced, they should be adhered to out of cultural respect. Dressing inappropriately is also likely to attract negative attention.Rules on relationshipsThe UAE is a family-orientated country where husbands and wives are actively encouraged to enjoy each others’ company and spend time with their children. It’s true that it is illegal to live or stay with a non-related member of the opposite sex, if you’re not married or related through marriage. Although the police rarely take action to enforce this, it is always best to fully observe local laws and customs to avoid issues.If you’re a single lady, dating is definitely possible and fairly accessible in both Dubai and Abu Dhabi, although there are some considerations to be taken into account. Public displays of affection such as kissing or hugging are frowned upon and in some suburban towns, locals consider it suspicious if a woman is in the company of an unrelated male who is also not her husband.Going outSingle women and groups of women are welcome to socialize everywhere. The cities in Abu Dhabi and Dubai have lively nightlife scenes, with plenty of venue choices from relaxed pubs to luxury champagne lounges. You’ll also find some of the world’s most extravagant restaurants here. The Islamic faith does not permit the consumption of alcohol, but tourism has resulted in beer, wines and spirits b eing widely available. Similarly to most countries, you can drink in licensed clubs or bars and in your own home, but never in public as it’s illegal.The beautiful, sunny climate enjoyed by the UAE makes it an excellent location to take advantage of the outdoors all year round. There are no shortages of social sports clubs, including everything from tennis, to horse-riding to ice-skating (yes, ice-skating), which are great places to make friends while keeping fit. It’s also traditional for women in the UAE to socialize without men over an activity such as arts, crafts or cookery classes, which are all excellent ways to meet and connect with both expats and locals.Living arrangementsAlmost all of the teaching programs Teach Away recruit on behalf of in the UAE offer comfortable private accommodation as part of the employment package. It is perfectly safe for women to live alone and apartments provided are nearly always located in a secure, highly-maintained, expat district. There may be the option to share accommodation with a same-sex housemate after your arrival, if you would prefer.Teach Away’s top tips for women moving to the UAE:Chat with someone who is already living and teaching abroad in the UAE to find out about their experiences. If you don’t know anyone directly, online forums such as the Teach Away discussion boards are good places to connect with people for information and advice.Invest in a new wardrobe! Do your research on the expectations of the area you’ll be living in and start picking up clothes which cover your shoulders and knees. Light coloured, loose fitting shirts, kimono or kaftan style tops and maxi dresses are great options.Prepare a list of emergency and essential contacts for when you arrive, for example, for medical care, your national embassy and your employer, as well as the details for your bank, doctor and relatives back home.